April 1 Worm

The Conficker worm, a nasty computer infection that has poisoned millions of PCs, will start ramping up its efforts Wednesday to use those ...

april 1 worm april 1 worm

RI computer geek warns of April 1 worm Providence Eyewitness News - ‎Mar 31, 2009‎ The Conficker virus is a computer worm and it looks for open ports or holes on a computer, like a file sharing network. It then spreads across the network ... Conficker D: What Happens After April 1? ChannelWeb April 1 computer worm wakes up, but with little impact WCBD Can Microsoft fool Conficker April 1? Tech Jackal eWeek  - Techtree.com all 2,331 news articles »

April 1 - fact or fiction? ZDNet - ‎8 hours ago‎ ... it's a little harder on April 1 to separate fact from fiction than any other day of the year. Truth? We've got rumors of this crazy Conficker worm ...

Get Fooled Again: April 1 Classics New York Times - ‎6 hours ago‎ Original Post | 1:49 pm While we still wait to see if the Conficker computer worm will turn out to be the largest hoax in April Fool’s Day history, ...

April Fools 2009: Flying hotels, 3D browsing, fake mergers, and more CNET News - ‎8 hours ago‎ E-mail Caroline. by JCPayne April 1, 2009 9:10 AM PDT How about the USA Went bankrupt and Canada was deploying troops to defend their border. by dragonbite ... Don't View During Lunch Hartford Courant all 3 news articles »

Matt Weinstock -- April 1, 1959 Los Angeles Times - ‎1 hour ago‎ Her mother said, "Well you know, the early bird gets the worm!" Came the query, "What time do the worms get up?" Which should make non-parents understand ...

Conficker Worm To Strike April 1 KPHO Phoenix - ‎10 hours ago‎ PHOENIX -- A potentially harmful computer worm is scheduled to go live April 1 and could affect computers in the Valley. The worm is called Conficker. ...

Conficker computer worm expected to go live tomorrow, April 1 Dallas Morning News - ‎Mar 31, 2009‎ UPDATE: Well, it's now April 1 in Australia, and so far Conficker doesn't appear to be doing much of anything. Of course, this is the part in the disaster ...

Computer Worm Set To Evolve April 1 Consumer Affairs - ‎Mar 31, 2009‎ “Much has been said about the downad worm and its enigmatic payload that will supposedly be unleashed on April 1st,” Trend Micro said in a statement on its ... OTC:TMICY

Podcast: Worm 'phoning home' but getting no answer CNET News - ‎11 hours ago‎ Larry Magid has been a technology columnist and broadcaster for more than two decades as well as a leading Internet safety advocate. by Bajamale April 1, ...