April Fools Practical Jokes

After falling for a number of Joey's practical jokes, the rest of the family plan revenge I Love Reruns - http://www.ilovereruns.com

april fools practical jokes april fools practical jokes

When Did April Fool's Day Begin? FOXNews - ‎10 hours ago‎ Such "fool's errands," or wild goose chases, became a popular practical joke in Europe in later centuries. The most widespread theory of the origin of April ... April Fool's fun for the family Boston Globe Best April Fool's jokes Victoria Advocate A Look At The Possible Origins Of April 1 Jokes, Pranks Evening Bulletin CBC.ca  - Associated Content all 129 news articles »

April Fools' Day Tech Pranks IGN - ‎1 hour ago‎ At this point in the day you've no doubt come across a few of the Intraweb's best practical jokes, but since you've likely missed some of the more obscure ... Google goes HAL with CADIE in April Fool's prank TG Daily Gmail Autopilot: Google on April Fool 2009 Product Reviews all 263 news articles » GOOG

April Fools'! Conficker Worm Struck Yesterday, Already Has Your ... Enduring Vision (satire) - ‎11 hours ago‎ The nefarious Conficker.c worm that was rumored to strike on April 1st played an April Fools' Joke on PC users everywhere and went active on March 31st, ... COMPUTER WORM COULD ACTIVATE APRIL 1 WMGM all 2,331 news articles »

All in Good Fun: April Fools' Day Washington Post - ‎8 hours ago‎ At first I didn't believe them and asked if this was their idea of an April Fool's joke. But, they were so serious--particuarly my son, who really did sound ...

April Fools' round-up: Practical jokes run rampant on the Web DigitalJournal.com - ‎2 hours ago‎ Revel in the snarky and witty April Fools jokes perpetrated by top Web 2.0 leaders. April 1 can be one of the funniest days to surf the Web, ...

April Fools? NOCIRC and Dr. Wang RushLimbaugh.com (subscription) - ‎2 hours ago‎ If you're going to do a practical joke, don't do it on April 1st. Every professional practical joker such as myself knows: If you really want to pull ...

The greatest joke ever played Philippine Star - ‎8 hours ago‎ However, the ultimate joke behind playing practical jokes on April 1st is no one knows when it began. Most scholars seem to believe that it is associated ...

April Fool's Jokes: ThinkGeek's Tauntaun Sleeping Bag Cinematical - ‎6 hours ago‎ You can check out a ginormous list of April Fool's Day jokes from around the web over here, and definitely let us know your favorites in the comments ...

More famous April Fools Day jokes around the world 1840 - 1999 Examiner.com - ‎12 hours ago‎ The entire world becomes a stage on April Fool’s Day. Read on for more historic practical jokes that have occurred around the globe. ...