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google autopilot

GMail Autopilot: If Only. ZDNet Blogs - ‎10 hours ago‎ FaceBook should take a page from Google Autopilot as well with a “FakeBook” feature. I have over 650 friends on FaceBook and I don’t really have time to ... Google's Autopilot has to be a joke, right? Gay Socialites Google’s Autpilot Feature Is a Gas New York Times Google Autopilot for Gmail Users: Testimonials on video Product Reviews eWeek all 263 news articles » GOOG

Google Mail Autopilot unveiled for all the Fools Newsday - ‎13 hours ago‎ I was almost ready to give up, until I logged on to my Google Mail account this morning and saw the newest invention: GMail Autopilot. ... GOOG

Get Your April Fools' Day Online - ‎10 hours ago‎ Google introduces Gmail Autopilot which will respond to received emails without the user having to open and read those emails. Users are warned that if two ... April Fools' roundup VatorNews all 40 news articles »

'Google Does April Fools' and 'This Mornings News', An Observation ... - ‎4 hours ago‎ Google, It appears, is offering a new 'beta' service called 'auto-pilot' for those of us who are inundated by email. Just check the block in settings and ... GOOG

April Fools' 2009 Roundup Escapist Magazine - ‎9 hours ago‎ Google Autopilot: Man, replying to every individual email you get manually is such a drag. Good thing Google's uber-technicians are here to make life simple ...

Top 10 Internet April Fool's Pranks FOXNews - ‎7 hours ago‎ It's introduced "Autopilot," a time-saving service that automatically crafts polite responses to incoming messages you'd rather not deal with. ...

April's Fools Fight Ticker - ‎1 hour ago‎ Even Google jumped into the fray with their NEW! Google Autopilot. Over here at my little desk, surrounded by Zen Koans I resist the urge to launch into ...

April Fools' round-up: Practical jokes run rampant on the Web - ‎2 hours ago‎ Google wasn't lazy, creating several pranks. First, Gmail Autopilot will let you send automatic messages to those bothersome emails. ... April Fools' Day Round-up: Portal T-Shirt, PS3 Discontinued ... I4U Reddit wins the April Fools Day pranks The Inquisitr Reddit adopts Digg Layout, April Fools' Day in full Swing I4U all 4 news articles » GOOG

Economy is awful, but April Fools goes on - ‎16 minutes ago‎ Google unveiled a "Gmail Autopilot," which helps you weed through your inbox by replying to e-mails with automated responses. • Google Australia reported on ...