New Computer Virus

Here are sites about the Conficker C virus that will explain what they are and how you can protect yourself from them. Sorry about the bad video ...

new computer virus new computer virus

Experts Warn of New Computer Virus KATV - ‎Mar 31, 2009‎ The worm is rumored to launch on April Fool’s Day, and experts are unsure how dangerous the virus could be to your personal computer. ... Date Passes for Virus Without PC Attack Wall Street Journal Conficker: Cyber security hype? Jury still out on Conficker computer virus ABC Online  - KELOLAND TV all 2,331 news articles »

Why Android (probably) won't work on Netbooks CNET News - ‎8 hours ago‎ To its credit, the phone version of Android (as used on the T-Mobile G1) is very user-friendly, and an Android computer OS would likely attempt to tackle ...

April Fools' Emails May Contain Not So Funny Virus FOXBusiness - ‎22 hours ago‎ In a preemptive strike against any threats this April Fools' Day, network security provider Stonesoft advises computer users to be extra cautious when ... New data security threats for April Fools Security Park all 9 news articles » OTC:CMTX

Conficker computer worm expected to go live tomorrow, April 1 Dallas Morning News - ‎Mar 31, 2009‎ Please send instructions for detecting the computer virus that is expected to hit tomorrow and instruction on how to correct my computer if I have it. ...

Virus Spreads Through Social Network Sites KTUL - ‎2 hours ago‎ Tulsa - If you've gotten a strange message through Facebook recently, your computer may have been exposed to a virus. It's called the Koobface virus and ...

Conficker: Doomsday, or the World's Longest Rickroll? Washington Post - ‎Mar 27, 2009‎ When it comes to criminal hackers, establishing motive is usually a no-brainer: In a majority of cases, computer worms and viruses are little more than ... Conficker Worm: Expect New Attack April 1 ChannelWeb Experts Warn New "Worm" Set To Infect, Control Millions Of PCs On ... AHN No fooling! Beware the April 1st virus East Valley Tribune The Associated Press  - all 552 news articles »

Microtech duo offers computer solutions Park Rapids Enterprise - ‎3 hours ago‎ They will conduct “data migration,” transferring old data to a new computer, and offer Web design services. Virus removal and rebuilding operating systems ...

The 'Super-worm': Is your computer infected? Vancouver Sun - ‎5 hours ago‎ "All the virus writer has to do is find one infected machine," he said. "There will always be one infected machine and the writer can keep updating with new ...

New Computer virus warning NZ City - ‎Mar 29, 2009‎ It is stage two of one of the most destructive computer worms ever known - a conficker worm dubbed the "cyberworm of mass destruction". ...