Symantec Conficker

Markus Diersbock being interviewed by Rick DeBruhl at Channel 12 News studios, about upcoming Hare Chrisna Virus attack in 1996.

symantec conficker

Latest Conficker data from Symantec Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - ‎Mar 30, 2009‎ By Stanley A. Miller II of the Journal Sentinel Symantec's Conficker Working Group has released its latest findings concerning the Internet worm that has ... Conficker” Computer Worm Wakes Up, But Fails to Sow Chaos Discover Magazine Is the Conficker scare over? Christian Science Monitor Date Passes for Virus Without PC Attack Wall Street Journal Computerworld all 2,331 news articles » SYMC

Symantec: Conficker is an April 1 no-show National Business Review - ‎22 hours ago‎ Symantec adds: "Keep in mind that these systems could be updated on any date after April 1." 1. April 1 does not end until 7 am EDT on April 2. 2. ... SYMC

Symantec Experiences Its Own Security Incident Wall Street Journal - ‎Mar 31, 2009‎ By Andrew LaVallee Symantec may not be concerned about the much-discussed Conficker virus, but the company is now dealing with an incident involving its own ... SYMC

Option Watch: March 31 The Fear Option at Symantec Forbes - ‎19 hours ago‎ Tomorrow is April Fools Day and according to more than a few analysts and media outlets such as 60-Minutes this past weekend, the Conficker worm is set to ... So far, Conficker is all talk and no action Good Morning Silicon Valley all 3 news articles » SYMC

The 'Super-worm': Is your computer infected? Vancouver Sun - ‎5 hours ago‎ The only thing the worm is being asked to do is to ask for further instructions," Steve Trilling, vice president of security firm Symantec, ...

Conficker - The Paris Hilton of Botnets eWeek - ‎Mar 30, 2009‎ As I was watching Symantec security expert Stephen Trilling brief "60 Minutes" correspondent Leslie Stahl about Conficker last night, I had to shake my head ... '60 Minutes': What's next for the Conficker worm? CNET News Cyber spies rest claws on 103 country’s computers Pakistan Daily Mail all 18 news articles »

Conficker is a lesson for MPs – especially over ID cards - ‎1 hour ago‎ ... whatever antivirus system was running didn't detect Conficker, and so didn't protect the rest of the network against it. MessageLabs, part of Symantec, ...

Search for 'Conficker' Could Lure Virus PC World - ‎Mar 28, 2009‎ Symantec is warning Web users that searching for information on computer viruses such as Conficker could put them at risk of unintentionally downloading the ...

How to diagnose and defeat the dangerous Conficker worm USA Today - ‎Mar 26, 2009‎ Want to quickly find out if your PC might be one of the millions infected by Conficker? Try clicking to Next try ... Symantec warns searching for Conficker may end with infection FAQ: Conficker time bomb ticks, but don't expect boom CNET News 'Dangerous' computer worm no cause for alarm: Experts Ottawa Citizen SC Magazine US all 552 news articles » SYMC