Conficker Mac

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Rid your computer of the Conficker virus CNET News - ‎21 hours ago‎ If you think us Mac users are immune from conficker then you are wrong. Somewhere is a Windows computer that has some of your personal info. ... Conficker Computer Worm Activates April 1 NPR Conficker Worm Strike Reports Start Rolling In Washington Post April Fools'! Conficker Worm Struck Yesterday, Already Has Your ... Enduring Vision (satire) WLNS  - SC Magazine US all 2,331 news articles »

Lauren snubs MacBook; gets Conficker worm instead Santa Rosa Press Democrat - ‎2 hours ago‎ At one point, she walks out of the Apple Store and says she can't afford a Mac. "I would have to double my budget, which isn't feasible," Lauren says, ... New variant of rsplug Mac trojan Secure Computing all 49 news articles »

Battle stations alert: Conficker fear spreads (not to Mac users) Seattle Post Intelligencer - ‎Mar 31, 2009‎ (You can read more about Mac users' delight on Twitter by searching on Mac and Conficker. There is definitely some face-rubbing going on there. ...

Countdown to Conficker--a bust so far CNET News - ‎Mar 31, 2009‎ ... Conficker still allows you to access and burn a disc image to CD. Much cheaper than buying a Mac, and besides; the Mac OS leaves a lot to ... OTC:TMICY

Conficker Worm Worries Exaggerated InformationWeek - ‎Mar 27, 2009‎ He adds that Windows users who have made sure their systems have been scanned, and Mac users (who are unaffected), have nothing to worry about. ... FAQ: Conficker time bomb ticks, but don't expect boom CNET News Virus to erupt in PCs April 1 Calgary Herald Giant Internet Worm Set to Change Tactics April 1 News Channel 8 all 552 news articles »

Conficker - a massive hoax? DaniWeb - ‎14 hours ago‎ And the Polyanna in me says it's a good thing too - a reminder that all of us including Mac users need to keep security up to date, but a warning that's not ...

Podcast: Worm 'phoning home' but getting no answer CNET News - ‎11 hours ago‎ by Larry Magid SANTA CLARA, Calif--It's early morning in California, and so far there are no reports of problems due to the much-anticipated Conficker worm. ...

Rhodri Marsden: Is my PC about to experience a catastrophic meltdown? Independent - ‎Mar 31, 2009‎ There's nothing funny about the Conficker worm, a malicious piece of software that's been infecting unprotected Windows pcs to create the world's largest ...

Prepare your PC for WISH - ‎Mar 31, 2009‎ Conficker, the latest threat, is set to be released April Fools' Day, taking partial control of computers across the world. Litz said, "So my first thought ...