Doomsday Virus

doomsday virus plays "i still burn" at valentine's in albany, ny. + bonus comedic relief at the beginning.

doomsday virus doomsday virus

Conficker Worm or Doomsday Virus Has Computer Users in a Tizzy ... Associated Content - ‎Mar 31, 2009‎ The latest computer virus scare has computer users in a tizzy, sending them hurriedly rushing to anti-virus websites in preparation for battle. ... Confickr Windows Virus: Confickr Windows Worm Right Pundits Conficker Worm (aka doomsday virus): How do you protect yourself? Product Reviews Conficker Predictions - Doomsday Scenarios for April 1 PC World Milwaukee Journal Sentinel  - The Associated Press all 2,331 news articles »

Conficker: Doomsday, or the World's Longest Rickroll? Washington Post - ‎Mar 27, 2009‎ But every so often, a prolific and sophisticated worm or virus emerges that isn't so obviously connected to a financial scheme. ... Conficker Unlikely To Trigger Doomsday on April 1 CIO Today Cool down on Conficker panic, say experts all 552 news articles »

Why Android (probably) won't work on Netbooks CNET News - ‎8 hours ago‎ Regarding the conficker virus, I think that the media exaggerated a bit. Sure, I'm saying this after "dooms day", but just keep your OS updated and install ...

Hollywood Doomsday - ‎Mar 30, 2009‎ So maybe the Hollywood doomsday, with its ever-shifting target of concern, has a psychological value too. Like most of what we worry over, ...

60 Minutes's Russian Cybercriminal Goof U.S. News & World Report - ‎Mar 31, 2009‎ And the doomsday date for the computer virus? April Fools' Day. But 60 Minutes and its source, the Internet security company SecureWorks, may have played ...

On this day in history Chicago Tribune - ‎Mar 26, 2009‎ In 1997 the bodies of 21 women and 18 men, members of the Heaven's Gate doomsday cult, were found in a rented mansion in Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.; ...

Conficker - The Paris Hilton of Botnets eWeek - ‎Mar 30, 2009‎ Currently, there are a whole bunch of people running around arguing whether or not April 1 will be some sort of Conficker doomsday because apparently the ...

April Fool's is No Laughing Matter for PC Users KPTM-TV - ‎Mar 27, 2009‎ If you can't browse through that web site, and it says page can't be displayed, you probably have that virus." He says come April First infected machines ...

Seeding our future Chicago Tribune - ‎Mar 30, 2009‎ The final portion is sent to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, the so-called "Doomsday Vault," from which it can be retrieved if necessary. ...